Don’t Delay Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Due to COVID-19

…by no means should people struggling with opioid addiction delay getting treatment. People should use this time to regain control of their lives.

The coronavirus pandemic has understandably dominated our minds, society, and all news headlines. But make no mistake, the opioid crisis and its victims have not magically disappeared. Opioid use disorder (OUD) is very much a massive problem in our society. One that was put aside as a focus but is not dormant in its power of destruction. With that in mind, by no means should people struggling with opioid addiction delay getting treatment. People should use this time to regain control of their lives.

Opioid Use Disorder During Coronavirus

When evaluating the effects of opioid addiction during a pandemic, we need to assess specific risk factors. The anxiety, isolation, and insecurity that a pandemic brings can easily drive those who suffer from addiction to relapse and overdose. Although opioid dependence and addiction are treatable, these conditions can cause a higher level of compulsivity, which can lead to substance abuse – additional stressors like COVID-19 add a new layer of vulnerability to an individual already living on unstable ground.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment in the U.S. reached a record of 14.7% in April. The worst we have seen since the great depression. This record-breaking job loss affects every aspect of one’s life. Without earning a paycheck, people cannot meet their essential responsibilities, from paying their rent to merely putting food on the table. The despair of the unknown tomorrow drives people to seek ways to self-medicate. An example of this detrimental effect is the sales and consumption of alcohol, which have substantially increased since the beginning of the pandemic.

The stay-at-home mandate is surely reducing the deaths and illnesses related to COVID-19. However, these precautions have potentially detrimental consequences to those suffering from mental health disorders and substance abuse issues.

The Good News!

The good news is that there is help. Programs have adjusted to the health needs of COVID while keeping the doors open for those in need.

What we have witnessed in our program is an incredible persistence and dedication from our staff, at this incredibly difficult time. This overwhelming commitment was necessary in order to continue providing care for those in need when they need it the most.

Two of those opioid treatment programs working tirelessly to keep the doors open, are the Waismann Method® and Domus Retreat. Together, these programs adapted protocols to offer safe, effective opioid detox during the pandemic.

Waismann Method® Medically-Assisted Opioid Detoxification

For over two decades, thousands of patients from all over the world have flown to California to undergo Waismann Method® medically-assisted detox. Medical treatments start in a private room of an accredited hospital.

The goal of Waismann Detox is to provide a safe and effective way to get through withdrawal successfully. In other words, instead of forcing people to endure unnecessary pain, suffering, and possible health risks while detoxing from opioids, doctors adequately manage withdrawal symptoms and vitals within a medical facility.

Waismann Detox is under the medical supervision of a quadruple board-certified medical director, Michael H. Lowenstein. Dr. Lowenstein is world-renowned as one of the most experienced rapid detox physicians around. Furthermore, Dr. Lowenstein offers a myriad of medically assisted opioid detox protocols based on each patient’s overall health needs.

Domus Retreat

Domus Retreat treatment professionals can help clients get through an opioid detox while also helping them identify underlying mental health issues. With tremendous passion and commitment, we remain open to serving those struggling with opioid use disorders and addiction issues. We enforce safety and preventative protocols to protect our patients and staff.

  • Our staff continuously adjusts safety protocols as the Coronavirus information evolves.
  • All patients are tested for COVID-19 prior to admission.
  • Visitations are not allowed until further notice.
  • Those seeking admission undergo a questionnaire regarding current health, potential exposure, symptoms, and illnesses.
  • We also offer training and staff monitoring for COVID-19.
  • Individuals who fail to meet medical criteria are denied entrance to the program.
  • Staff is practicing and encouraging patients to follow an aggressive practice of handwashing, avoid touching face, and wearing masks in public areas.
  • All bedrooms and bathrooms are spacious and private, for additional comfort and social distancing.
  • Domus Retreat is maintaining a limit of 3 to 4 clients at one time.
  • Housekeeping staff is additionally concentrating and improving our already stringent cleaning and disinfecting practices.
  • Our therapist, David B. Livingston, is further working with patients on the effects and anxiety related to this pandemic.

As we receive additional information on the coronavirus, we continue to examine and update our protocols, procedures, and policies. We look forward to providing critical treatment and resources to those suffering from opioid use disorder, and those who feel their recovery is in jeopardy.

Relapse Prevention Program

As innovators, we are always looking for additional ways to help those who currently have or had any issues with opioid drugs. We are continually adding and changing our procedures and protocols, based on what we see, learn, and what is needed.

With that said, many people that were successful in putting opioid abuse behind them, still lack the ability to deal with highly distressful situations. Some of those individuals already suffer from anxiety disorders and have no more room for extra emotional stress. When an unexpected and unfamiliar threat, such as COVID, strikes it is natural to crave a drug, like opioids, that can relieve the negative thoughts.

This new and familiar feelings of cravings can place these individuals in a whole new level of fear and anxiety. When not adequately dealt with, these feelings can lead to further isolation, hopelessness, and despair. For those patients, we have created a one to two-week relapse prevention program without the commitment of a 30-day rehab – a place where one can share their doubts and fears without judgment.

A Short-term Retreat

Sometimes we need to step away from a situation to get the correct perspective. As human beings, we are always overestimating or underestimating things, which leaves us in a place of weakness to confront the issue. Being able to step away and gain perspective is incredibly important to regain control. Also, being outside a situation often eliminates the fear that can be so crippling for most. Even just a short break from the stress can make a world of difference. 

At Domus, our guests receive a large private suite with a remarkably qualified staff who are happy to assist. During the month of June, we are keeping a maximum of 4 guests at one time so that proper social distance is easily maintained. At Domus, you will also receive individual psychotherapy with our expert therapist David B. Livingston. David will help you understand and manage unwanted feelings while creating new healthy tools for managing anxiety and distress. Furthermore, you can choose to participate in yoga and drama therapy, which can help your physical and mental well-being.

Reach Out Today!

Do not worry about having to reach out for help. Delaying treatment can pose an irreversible risk and receiving support can be a life-changing experience of empowerment. Domus is a unique program that provides one-on-one confidential assistance with a compassionate staff that combines decades of experience and five-star amenities. At Domus, you have space and privacy to communicate with business and family. Meanwhile, at the same time, you can work intensively on your recovery goals.

Addiction and mental health issues do not discriminate, and it certainly does not wait for “a convenient time.” Times of crisis, as we are living right now, often lead to heightened feelings of stress and anxiety. There is no better time to seek help than the present. Waismann Method® and Domus Retreat team are ready to help you get the care you want and deserve when you need it the most.

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